World Physical Therapy Day!!!


World Physical Therapy Day is September 8, 2014!!!

World Physical Therapy Day is a day to recognize the profession and all the benefits a Physical Therapist provides to the community. Are you currently participating in therapy? Have you had therapy in the past? How has therapy helped you? How could therapy help you?

For most individuals who have participated in therapy they are aware of the importance of the Physical Therapist as well as the role a therapist can provide in improving movement and function. For those of you who are not aware, the benefit therapy can provide is different for every individual. Every person you encounter has their own concerns and fears. My profession gives me the time to really understand and empathize with concerns and fears, which opens a window into making a real change on the individual level.

Whether it’s running that extra mile, picking up a grandson, getting up the stairs at night, or simply making it through the work day, Physical Therapists help individuals meet their specific goals. A Physical Therapist is a specialist on movement and can help optimize performance, return from an injury, and prevent future injuries from occurring. Imagine the health benefits of having a Physical Therapist who knows you. Think about it, most individuals have their own personal Physician and Dentist. Why not having your own Physical Therapist who can screen and educate on proper movements to maintain optimal health.

Optimal Movement Physical Therapy provides these benefits to many resident in the Redlands area. If you need someone on your team, we would be happy to listen to your concerns. Check out our website here. If you would like to learn more about World PT day, check out the World Confederation for Physical Therapy website.

In celebration of World PT Day we’re holding a contest! If your life has been significantly impacted by a Physical Therapist, let us know in the comments for a chance to win a $25 gift certificate to one of our favorite stores that encourages movement – REI! Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for additional entries! Please leave individual comments letting us know where you’re following us! Giveaway ends Monday, September 15th at noon PST. Winner will be chosen by random draw and will be posted Monday evening!


Disclaimer: we are not affiliated with REI in any way. We just really like them and what they stand for!

A winner has been chosen for World PT Day contest. Thomas has been selected via the website Please email me at


5 thoughts on “World Physical Therapy Day!!!

  1. Physical therapy helped me return to rugby after a pointless knee surgery during my college years. Currently I am able to hike, play soccer, play rugby, and run all because of the physical therapy. I am able to enjoy all of these things because of the expert advice I was able to access through working with physical therapists!

  2. When I was in middle school and high school, I had pretty bad back problems. My late teens were especially bad, making it difficult to even go to school. I had bad sciatica and daily pain. I went to physical therapy and was amazed at how many different techniques they had to encourage muscle strength. I learned that I have slight scoliosis and was shown ways to improve my posture as well as strengthen my core. Over time, my back pain improved and I was able to function like a normal teenager again. Years later whenever I feel tightness in my back I revisit some of the stretching techniques I learned in physical therapy and it helps! I think PT is great because it offers a more natural way to allow the body to try and heal itself, without jumping straight into medication.

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